I putted some screenshots now direcly to here using photoshop but I dont know how to make them smaller
Ill do the embleding now sry if I forgot but I read the how to post tread looks like I misunderstand it any way I am going to fix this and the...
sorry this is my first post here and in bungie net and what is Image shak US? any way I tried my best to post it neatly here and I spent 2 days...
I putted in now the link is on now try now
variant narration an abandoned lab complex in construction by the UNSC wich owners and workers disapeared misteriously. Previous Investigators...
thats cool well this week end ill try to post my first one Bridge HQ its a CTF map but works with all game types has well
thanks , I will read it my map signature is on my map titles every time u se a name of a map that ends with HQ well I made it
hello has you see Im new here but before I introduce my self I have to say that u ppl of forge hub have exeptional abilities with the forge U guys...