Uhh Infection with an Alpha zombie?
Fuel Depot
So basically what was made in Halo 3 a thousand different ways?
I didn't want to recreate the tower tops to look how they looked before but I might end up forging it as an alternative at some point when the...
Thats it.
I dont have any to link at the moment but don't judge by aesthetics since alot of the maps that look aesthetically appealing perform horrible due...
There are dumpsters. Just not on forge world.
Didn't expect that kind of response, its great to see someone else enjoying the map. As I've stated before I no longer have easy acces to halo...
I didn't mention this before but awesome statue. As for the map its self its great theres one specific itnerlock that really bothers me...
what is this im 12
The weeds, flowers and parts of the grass peak through everywhere if you have the shape right. Any higher and the hill would be way to big.
Yeah didn't notice that sorry about that lol.
It's on the hill bro.
Choose the game type on forge CTF, gametype specific -> True, then set an object label to flag return you can use flag capture plates but they are...
+CTF I will try to make it compatible with all variants eventually.
Tried metal hill, looks horrible.
If your playing on default control scheme even thought you jump like a madman.
2nd to last screen shot they are in there bro maybe they could be raised a tad. I just changed the lift distance so the spartan falls before then.
One thing I hate about all guardian remakes is frame rate. This is actually better than some of the other releases when it comes to frame rate but...
What I really want the most is a forge map like foundry in the sense that with out objects its an empty building. But I would want a pallet and...