great job dude on the map it has kept me challenged today :). have you ever thought of adding a msp reward for best time?
plz post pictures plz or your thread will be locked sorry
great map vorpal, it plays very fluently, looking foward to it being in tgif!
please correct me if im wrong but shouldnt this be posted in the competitive section.
i like the origonal better that was in halo 3 and after playing it i have to say that the design is nice but..... the zombies have way to much...
after playing the map, i noticed that it had a very nice and repitive feel to it. very nice job on the map :) onlything i would work on is try to...
couldn't have said it any better. bungie rushed forge to much, and they didnt check to make sure everything was fine tuned, and for that reason i...
just as the title suggest i was just wondering when exactly the first "TGIF" event will be? if there has been some official post about this im sorry.
aww is this tower of power or what? all i see is the same map that came with the game.....
aw ya dude im not going to download your map if i cant see what it looks like......
i have to agree, if they made it possible to go from Eg. 2.1 to 2.01 or even 2.001 it would make everything extremely accurate. while reach has...
seems like its forged very well. it just seems to me from an aerial view like its too small try making it bigger.
MY PLANS Im thinking of making the biggest infection journey map of all time. one that will make everybody say holy mother of god this is...
i said and ill say it again i am not able to get more screenshots until the weekend! also the reason why it isn't so organized is because of the...
very nice original idea for an infection map :) keep it up you got to add me soon so we can make a map together. im sure we can make something awesome
yeti get on messenger so i can talk to you about the map!
go on messenger so we can talk yeti i want to ask you some questions
thanks for the suggestion but i might make a ramp or two for humans in the dunes but its the kind of map that if you liked the old version on...
its only competive maps that have sandbox tag in front as an option not casual, mini games, aesthetics, or even race. come on seriously forgehub...