Exact same reason.
YouTube - TheAbsoluteCarnage's Channel ^ My channel with two minecraft videos on it. I hope to upload more either tommorow or thuesday.
The alpha SMP servers are absolutely ridiculous. Some people can't connect to them even though they paid money for the game... while others can...
that doesn't mean it is illegal. Yeah. Justin beiber will be getting his ass kicked repeatedly. Send FH hitsquad in nao.
Can you provide any examples of race maps you've designed... They were doing a forging teaching guild but i believe they stopped. why, because its...
That's pretty awesume. though I can't imagine walking around my school wearing a halo 3 shirt.
.wat rewind FTW/L
how did you discover this. The amount of small things you have to do for this to work is immense.
This game is incredibly fun. How does anybody else make their bases. I prefer making a cliffside base in the side of a mountain. 75% of the time...
ohh, now I see it. That's a pretty dissorienting effect.
I remember that in the forgeworld vidoc there was a map where the geometry was moving. My question is whether anybody has got an explaination for...
Enjoyment: From the second the map loads to the post game lobby it is quite obvious the multiple, varied flaws this map has. Whether it be dry...
I do not approve. BTW: I think MW2 if much quicker paced than halo 3 so 70% speed is going to feel... wrong. Also you jump almost 3 times as...
For a specific project i'm doing. Plus many walls and cielings more would be nice. However it is possible with other objects.
Sorry, I didn't see that post earlier. One thing I can reccomend is to use rocks as terrain. You should be able to make a nice rock arch, but you...
It's also only 10$ and would be called the collesium wall. I would like more of this object (100) as it seems to be able to cover entire cielings,...
congratz on the feature dude!!!
Infection maps go in the casual sub forum. There you can even choose the Infection prefix. Furthermore, you failed to provide a useful coverage of...
PEDO BEAR! PEDO BEAR!!! help he's gunna fock me!!! AHHH!!! ROFL, started out funny and ended hilariously.