What'd be quite good is 1v1's but they'd need the old (and frankly better) Halo 3 ranking system to be viable... With highest skill meaning good...
I think if you did have a comp, you shouldnt do rounds, and limit it to one map. Perhaps "Halo:CE Maps" then another contest for "halo 2" maps and...
I love the idea of a 1V1 playlist, that way If my connection isnt being great, I have a better chance of playing a full game. And even when it's...
Question: why is the max age 16? and what would this "crew" be doing? forging (vid showcase maps)? MM (montage clips)?
Today I show you a map preview of a recent burst of inspiration. The Gametype is called Fight the Evil (to allow me to create other monsters...
they took your jobs!
Looks great, got my download. You seem to have missed the giant tree in that room (6th comparison pic in the spoilers). However, thats just...
I wanted to download "Citadel City Shopping Center" however couldnt find the download to it... Send to me if you can. I dont get why put them up...
Way I see time travel, that has happened, has always happened... so me going back in time would create the past we know today. OR it'd be just as...
Question, I tried out the free classic in my browser and got this: [spoiler] Is this my graphics card (or something about my computer)? If I buy...
If this is a help request then I am afraid this is in the wrong place, you should be posting in forge discussion with your problem, so others can...
Scarab would only be scenery if anything, tbh I wouldnt want a drivable one... it'd be too big, climbing out all my maps... however one based...
I could have sworn I told you about the teleporter thing whilst we were playing and you raised concerns... (btw, to keep it "normal looking" then...
Map name: Escalation Link to Bungie Downlad: here Link the original tread: here [IMG]
The Moran here, long time lurker and huge forger. But this is my first reach map and one of my first published maps in general. Escalation This...
Welcome to the Team dude, Glad you're here, Eddie tried, and ditched after a day >.< however, you are good... read the rules etc... also, dont...
Bungie.net : ForgeWorld : Articles I believe all the setup info for each gametype is here (for Twilight Gnome's brother)
haha genius, I sadly haven't found any pictures to return the favor with...
when i was bored and messing around on foundry i put shipment together (whilst thinking of another map to remake.... just something to do) and...
Hey Goop... I love it aesthetically, However I'd advise (not cover) an attacker base, perhaps a UNSC type building as the tower is covenant(?)....