The teleporters are operational. It will randomly teleport you to 1 of 2 places in infection and in invasion the place it teleports you changes...
I remember playing a game or two on this one a LONG time ago, very fun. I love the whole courtyard feel of the map with the upper level...
Ha thanks man yeah I haven't been on too much lately been enjoying the benefits of summer. Being in the Shade turret can definitely be risky if...
It actually feels much different from slayer, like its own original game. In fact I have come to find that I prefer this type of infection over...
[IMG] Dead Mines is a very large and unique map that is almost as much fun to explore as it is to play. It boasts a very unique atmosphere...
[IMG] Shade was based off my popular Halo 3 infection map Checkpoints and works very similar but is greatly enhanced with all the new features...
I have to say this is not only the best Cold Storage remake I've seen but one of the best remakes of any map I've seen. You did an amazing job...
Yeah I'd definitely be down. Feel free to hit me up with a friend request.
Glad you liked it. The coloring was one of the first things that went into the map and I really wanted to make some unique structures that not...
Yes you can use the little teleporter frames on the sides to jump over it. You can also shoot through it.
Glad you like it. Also, even with some of the aesthetic touches, there is no frame rate lag. At least me nor anyone I tested with had any in its...
[IMG] By A SILENT EMU Blue streak is a symmetrical map that is built for asymmetrical gameplay. It incorporates multiple height variations,...
This looks pretty awesome man. I was never a huge fan of Orbital but I haven't seen a remake of this yet and it looks very good. The sub weapons...
I know what you are saying but it hasn't happened yet so I really don't see a need to change it. There are quite a few counters to it. If they...
I appreciate all of your input but a lot of your points are easily countered. First off, I want to say that you did not play on the final version...
[IMG] By A SILENT EMU and D0NT SH0OT ME (The two greatest Invasion players of all time =D) Trial Point was initially inspired by multiple...
Evoke by EightBall Breakwater by JGarb Apartment 5B by Zatherla
Got a chance to play this map in a small game FFA and it was really fun. It was hectic and close quarters but the gameplay was pretty good. I'm...
This map just looks awesome I love the rock pond and of course the new layout. I haven't got a chance to play it yet but I'm liking the weapon...