Sorry the screenshot is in my fileshare and it's not mine, i don't know how to show you just the image. NOT trying to advertize my own fileshare,...
ah ok. thank you.
hey sorry to bother you again but i have a question. I see posts at the top (newer) part of the forums, particularily the MLG forums and they are...
so what does that have to do with the map? Your reply is invalid and void. i didn't post a thread for the video. next time actually look at the map
it does look small however it's been tested for i'd say at least 10 hours or so before releasing the finished product and it handles 4v4's...
MLG REBORN xT Game Over Tx [IMG] Hi and welcome to the newest MLG map I've made. MLG REBORN is a small map meant for close to medium range...
looks amazing 5/5!!! well structured. good gameplay. great presentation with the video and screenshots. great idea. creativity. even some...
alright. certainly will get on those updates. stay tuned (not really its the internet lol) for a v4 thanks for pointing those out
looks like you put some time in it. not alot (i might be wrong) but some. lets go with negatives first: there aren't alot of screenshots. i don't...
There are 2 snipers, each with only 4 shots, located on the top of either base. plenty of BR's, 2 carbines in front of the bases. a custom powerup...
AWESOME map. i love the idea of a br warm up. and it grows as you play! *drop dead* A defineate download for me... however, like other people...
If you read some of the comments people had already told me I needed a picture and i replied back that i was going to get one today, which i did....
Updated and moved to another thread. look for MLG Hallway v3. Thanks
i think its really cool. the background is mostly what makes it so too. where are you to get that background?
i know what the problem is here. you two have probably looked at alot of screenshots. you've seen alot of variety. alot of the stuff you've...
seriously? effects hmmm... flubber with the green thing? your right anyone can do that. and pose to look like im holding it boom...
Just a couple that i took that i kinda like:"][IMG][/URL] ↑ Flubber Boom...
GAAAHHHHH!!! you iZ sleepyz I has oNE wurd 4 youz: C oFEe ↑=cofee Drink some....stay awake with Kelvin! playz t3h haloz
dude i played this with my friend andy. it was by far one of the most original co-op puzzles ive ever played! one thing though is it was kind of...
im surprised. that nobody has said anything about how bad this map/idea is....its just a slapstick idea thrown together by a very sloppy...