Yep just the Purple FX.
I'm glad people are curious. I'll record a video soon showing you, while trying not to reveal too much of the map (since it's not complete and no...
I think ranks before Warrant Officers get 50, Warrant Officers get 60 and Captains and above get 70.
Just a little teaser-ish image for a map I'm working on. It still has a lot of work so I don't want to fully reveal it but hopefully this image...
He calls her Ma'am not Mum, his accent just obscures it. Ma'am is a shortening of Madam which is generally used in regards to high ranking woman...
You don't understand the definition of the word "Unique"? I was banned for giving my opinion on the map. I fail to see how my calling the map...
The CTF Beta looks wicked, but weird.
The centre of the map isn't very good but the rest I like. Snipers FFA is good on this too.
Thanks, it's is useful to me.
Unbelievable. The forge one saved my life.
Pretty sick. :D
My names Greg. I'm from Scotland and really love the work some of you guys do. I'm more into MLG oriented maps and will be posting a lot of my...
Good work.
Lol this made me laugh.
Pretty frickin' sick!
Thanks for the tips, I'll use them wisely.
Thanks for the tutorial.
There's a growing trend in raised centre areas in MLG maps. Fun for FFA snipers.
A way back into the upper level bases would be nice, otherwise an excellent map.