Look at this flagmo!
I hope you've prepared yourself, taco and I are.....coming ;) for you.
I don't know if we've decided one way or the other yet about reach tricks. We'll see in September I guess.
You have sexed my butt by surprise sir.
Omg its tarubard48!!
Oh my god that's awesome XD. I have to show this to everyone now!
You can use a gun and a sword in fable 2. They didn't take swords out, they just added guns.
Flying dumpster is one of my favorite glitches. As soon as I saw the vid on it I had to do it myself. It's so much fun
Does the live action death note count? lol.
Are there any actual lyrics to these "songs" or is the "singer" just randomly yelling? It sounds horrible. They all need to get a new singer, or...
I've been playing the demo over and over. It's so much fun! I really can't wait to get the full game and unlock even more force powers.
Apparently Dennis Kaufman is full of crap. Jack Tarrance had a thick southern accent. Everyone who has heard the Zodiacs voice has said he did not...
Well...Back when I was into pokemon it was a tie between Charizard and Blastoise, but I was like 8. Now it's Meowth because I no longer watch the...
This game looks so amazing! This is the most excited I've been about a game in a long time. I can't wait to get a virtual wife and verbally and...
This looks amazing. I really wanted to try it myself, but unfortunately that link they give at the end of the video no longer works, and it's not...
Usually he's a really good player, but sometimes he just does something really stupid. Like when he threw that grenade when we were all inside the...
That was hilarious, I like how they even made fun of his lame references. "This is like something out of a COMIC BOOK" XD. Thanks for the link!
Post something!
That's awesome! I always wondered why the ipod touch never had a camera, it has nothing to do with the phone really so it should have been in...
Wow, he hold the signs from a pizza hut hostage...that's just so stupid I have to tell everyone I know...