wow this is the best cops n robber map evar!!!! amAzing interlocking and shweet design. i would dl but i am almost full. and with far cry two...
lol your friend that noscoped you has a retarded username. lol. but this has awesome written all over it. that curved tunnel iz teh **** dawg!
two screenshots dont really tell me anything. i will not download (not because i hate the map but because i have alot of space taken with better...
this sucks. we dont care that you are posting a map. if you know how to put pics up and a link we dont need you warning about it. waste of my time.
sweet map! i think you should re-think the desicion of putting banshees on the at-at. my idea is to put all the aircraft possible on the ground to...
the map looks great. i would dowload but the link to is broke for me. please make more maps 4.5/5
well this is better. but your other map was a flaming sack of horse **** so that doesnt say much. i like the fusion coils in the wall. you look...
wow all of the optimism is just because they feel sorry for you. this is worthless crap. you should look at the other threads and see what the...
you cant really say a map needs interlocking. there are maps made with interlocking and maps made without interlocking. the ones with, tend to be...
this is like the best race map ever. that is the some of the awwesomest interlocking i have ever seen. you are a uber race map maker. u got my...
by the screenshots i can tell the bridges are not correctly interlocked with the boxes. but it looks fun.
thanks for the optimism. i like it when people dont judge a map based on the outer walls. (see top of page1)
well i dont even know what that means but i know it isnt true. you spawn anywhere on the map the, spawns are all over
dude dont let insignificant things like that stop you from downloading.... it is fun as hell... i may fix those but i'd like real criticism from...
whoops forgot about the link!!!! hahahahahaha!! sorry!
this is a map that was not appreciated enough. i have made many changes and fixed many problems. the interlocking is much smoother and there are...
this map looks great. the interlocking is very clean. i might dl. ps. hey can you guys put commments on my map departed v1. it is in...
please give feedback
DEPARTED(V1) created by: doomsdayassault (me) this map uses just about the entirety of foundry and is asyemetric. it is alot of fun for small...
i'd like to see this on a machinima but (god forbid) pre-game loddy. that sucks! you have no machinima taste!