No other shots, and very little information. Here is the bungie info: : Halo 3 File Details Thanks
Is it posible to geomerge sender nodes into the trees or ground of guardian? or geo merge them into any of the scenery in guardian
If someone has some free time on their hands and knows how to geo merge could you possibly help me out with my map, its only a little thing so it...
count me in.
Thanks for the help
Can someone please tell me how spawn points work and what are spawn areas etc.
could you possibly help me with this or point me towards a tutorial?
GT: Howard Wulkan Times: Anytime really, i dont sleep. Mic:yup Me: Im amazing Im currently working on an infection map and it would be nice if...
Mine is a guy who had an album made about him being bald by a band i like
Bonsly is my favourite for cute and cuddly, and then hitmonlee for awesomeness
I have a empty foundary map that has the money glitch on it. I accidentaly removed an item and now i cant use it anymore even though it still...