Hello everyone, Im not a very active member on these forums, but lately some friends and I have run into a problem. You see, we have a small group...
I would probably be forging except I have finals tommorow and I gotta study :(
The civilians can fire a pistol well because they're not retards, they figured out that if they point the end of the gun that gors boom at the...
personally my favorite one in "This ends now" mainly because of how distinct and clear the reflection in the visor is. My other favorite on would...
I like it, the effect is really cool, almost looks as if the spartan is walking out of a portal/rift, 5/5
Small arbiter bursts out of big arbiter's back. Big Arbiter: Awwww! Not again!
no, the flaming warthog and the honor guard wraith cannot be used in matchmaking, which sucks
I got one :) but I feel bad for those of you who didn;t get it even though you preordered it. P.S how sick would it be if bungie made them...
This will probably be useful for people, but what about the OLN? did you still keep all the default objects or does infinte Budget negate it?
Ok, I have a question, I want to download some stuff off of the XBL Marketplace but it always says "Content With This Rating Is Not Permitted On...
lol I see his bird, it's the fuel rod gun. nice lighting too, 5/5
Guy with flag: This is not going to end well Driver: Don't worry I got this
looks good, almost as if he just traveled through a warp or something cuz of the slight background distortion 3.5/5 because of lack of anything else
now where do you get your sources I wonder? bungie said that people who didn;t get Halo Wars LE would only have to wait a couple of weeks, not a...
these are all really good with nice effects, my favorite one would be #3 with that glare on his helmet and the moon in the background 4.5/5 cuz...
this is a really good map, great asthetics and very playable 10/10 mind if I use this in a machinima I'm working on?
that's way cool, I have a feeling it's on Sandbox. And seriously, how do you do that trail
its just a joke guys seriously, I know all that, and no, I am NOT high! I was just trying to have fun jeez
Alright, you guys are gonna think this is crazy when you think about it. So this morning as i was getting dressed, I was thinking "hmmm, I...