The pics are gone :o Picture deleter :(
If anyone has tips for the merging, I'm on right now, send me a message and I'll invite you. GT is Numaga
Thanks for the ideas.. I'm already starting on V2 :D I'm thinking about making a past-future type thing...
I'm already working on it :D You missed the point - Did roman gladiators have shotguns and brute shots? No. Thanks :D Uhm.... there IS a...
Oh crap, I put this in the wrong section on accident - can a mod move it to Casual? Thanks :)
GLADIATOR Fight to the death. Download Map Download Gametype Description: First of all, I'm sorry for the short description - It's a small...
Actually, I didn't like your idea of the teleporters - Game720 helped me. Thanks btw, Game, it worked. Oh, a mod can close this now if they want to.
Ok, lemme finish playing this race map first :D
Ok :D
Ok, I'll invite you. You're GT is Gamer720, right?
I did that, but they still spawn outside the map. Sorry about the wrong section, can a mod move it?
I'm making a map on Foundry, and it's infection. But whenever I test it out on custom games, zombies ALWAYS spawn outside the area I tell them...