systematic chaos is the last dream theater album i bought. i just thought it sounded wicked cool so i took it as my tag
a hornet would be fun on that level, just laying out everyone. this is the first of hearing about any secret areas. intriguing (spelled way wrong)
no scoping on timesplitters future perfect. it was so easy.
At this point they have made enough wiis to supply the demand. Now they need suckers who are late to the party. And kids who just saved enough to...
nothings wrong with new maps. no remakes, They've done enough of that
Dream Theater theme, Mike Portonoy pic. Best drummer ever
elites in halo 2 had huge heads. but now in H3 they have about the same hit box as a spartan. But that doesn't mean I won't call them retarded...
its fun, but i haven't played it in a while, Ive had it for a week and barely played it