Very good map. Me and my friends have had countless laughs over the "What are you doing?" "Looking for that hidden wea--- OH SHI--- "ShadowGiraffe...
Thanks guys! Didnt expect this to be any good.
This guide is amazing! Would you mind if I made some sort of "Sand Storm" remake seeing as it isnt available for download? If I were to make this...
Whats so special? 3/5 for the dark background.
I have a question. If I made this picture on my previous account and I want to take credit for it on nthis account, how would I do that? If you...
Um..... Horrible. Nothing is happening. Obviously someone killed you with an explosion and you decied to take a picture of it. 1/5.
Awesome. I never thought to use a warthog for something so inappropiate. Nice. 4/5.
In actuality, he isn't touching the hornet, but it kind of looks like it. Second of all, hornets dont shoot plasma rockets. The explosion is from...
There's a problem! I don't exactly know how to put pics on Yes, I'm a noob.
I always hear on message boards "bump" and i dont get it. What is it?
[IMG] Behold StarGate! The original idea for the teleporter circle is unknown but shooting a laser out of it was my idea. Thank you guy who made...
[IMG] He is escaping from the explosion on a tiny hornet!
[IMG] Kind of looks like a pinball arena doesn't it?
Interesting game. I'm to stupid to find the guys though... I could probably make a good one though.
Seriously dude.... Do you furiously post other peoples pictures? Anyways nice screenshot to the guy who made it. 4/5.
Excellent. 5/5.
Excellent Job whoever made this. I have actually tried one of these and it ended in failure. It takes alot of effort. 5/5.
I glitched out of the Ark and if you fly up to the tower in theater mode, you will see a huge waterfall and above it is this.
[IMG] I was exploring outside of the Ark, and I saw this. Bungie must of taken alot of time on this. Thanks! Here is the link if you want to...