Ya I agree with you. You cant really judge a map by the pics. they could of just been bad pics. Plus its not always about if the map looks...
To be honest with you, I think your map isn't all great. But at least you were original. I'm getting tired of all of these same race maps on...
For your olipium map post or wat ever you need to put a download link on it so i can download it
wow really good forging. It must of taken some time to do all of that geomerging. It kind of reminds me of a map im making called iceburgs which...
I guess its something that i've never seen before. interesting i'll check it out. I like the idea of it though but wat is the point of it
I hate you u ****ing **** sucker
Ok i guess its better than the first but still the map is a little to open and the interlocking also is srewed up.
The map is cool and has some great scenery and stuff but wat I would like to be done which im not sure if you can is to make it so we could go in...
pelican can use a lot of work on it. I dont really know wat to do to make it better so be creative. I like the phantom though yet it can still use...
I dont see how this is a clean map. Ill give it a 2/5. Here are some sugestions to make the map better. -interlocking some of the double boxes...
Why is this map called highjack? And also I agree with everyone else about the pictures. I would like more pictures cause I cant tell if the map...
If you knew you still didnt know how to post picks and that since is your second post without pics you would probly know that the post wouldnt be...
The map I guess is ok but it is way to original. Zombies attacking base, humans deffending. Also dont you think that map is a little to open to...
It looks really fun to play on but I dont think some people wont listen to the rule of not shooting when they start getting iritated. I know I...
This duck hunt is a lot worse then the original one. I like the other one so much better no offence. At least i could say its ok maybe to oter...
well i guess it is ok but it is kind of pointless to me. That is probly cause i dont forge houses is probly why. Besides that the map seems to be...
Wow this is a great racetrack. Best 1 ive seen today. All of my friends who try to make race tracks dont put time into it
The map looks really cool. It looks really fun. Im am going to dl it ASAP and play it with every1
this map is ausome. The interlocking is good but not the best. So good job
Um ya the map looks ok but probly 1 of the worst maps ive seen today so i guess congratulations. Your map dosnt cut