Lookes good, but i was hoping for more tight tunnels and little secret areas, but that was just me getting over excited at the name, so i give you...
People always build on foungry because its the nearest thing to a big open room with build your own map features you're gonna get on halo.
Sweet, love the map too anyway... 4/5 but the mass use of teleporting doors does really put a sign up asking to be assassinated... but got my...
Hey guys, I learnt how to break the item limit too now... Me and gingerfreak are currentally working on a two platform version.. its going well
Hey, how scary... I live on the Isle Of Wight. You can guess how shocked i was when i saw it, lol. I'm called Nic.D incase you know me... or the...
Seen it before but better... and pictures are too small. Sorry but that only scores a 2/5 on my lader, and no DL
Looks good
I love this map, i had a party of 15 playing it yesterday... and boy oh boy it was fun. deffending was my fav thing. 9.5/10 without any questions!
Well what to say, its great but my friend made a better one just by destroying a map i took hours to make... luckly i saved it, but i said "just...
Yeah i like normal infection... zombies have no sheilds... lots of hiding spots but alot of cornors too. It's only a small map (1/2 the size of...
Woah that is cool... that is great... is there anything holding the scorpian in place? other than that a DL rom me after i DL'ed my 10 and a 5/5
Great, other than the having to jump... 4/5 from me and a dl to see what it is like when i finished dl'ing me 10 list
Sweet... one thing is I dont like the low enterance... most barns have big doors and such delights. Still doesnt sway my vote, the truck idea is...
It looks ok, gave it a try and there doesnt seem much to it... anyway 2/5 from me and a download
Fun as a pre-party game... i use it all the time when im waiting for the custom game to get to around 8 players. 4/5
does it really matter? The post is now up to full standards is it not?
Still dont like the steps up to the building much, but that aside it looks great.
Great remake, but i hated that anime... all the way through to the random pointless ending. Did the author die or something so they had to just...
Looks great, great remake of a great book. I should stop using the word "great" shouldnt I? 5/5
Looks good, got a DL from me, cant wait to give it a try. 5/5