wow since i cant forge good at all this is helpful im not even good at geomerging, ive never thought of doing it that way and i havent ever seen...
wow i have to admit this is probally the best map ive seen all day. This is the only map i've downloaded from this site in a while and it was...
wow this map is very great it looks cool and has some good bases. it looks really fun for capture the flag. And i like all the places you can go 4/5
the map looks ok its kinda open, and plain. maype make a v2 a and cover a something that stands out
locus 1 learning how to geomerge strait ill be on at anytime. I dont know if i did this right. im hardly ever forging but it aggervates me not...
This had to be so painful i feel sorry for them
this truly isnt a re-make of the foundry
wow really nice map
umm wow nice map i like the geomerging with the walls 5/5
hmm not bad ill dl and see for my self....4/5
how do get the walls in the ground like that, its amazing
dude u r the best forger ive ever seen, especially reflex and epicenter 10billion/5
dude how do u merge the walls like that into the ground? ive seen it here and on relflex, how do u do it? 5/5
hey how do u merge the walls into the ground? other than that 5/5
sorry but i dont really like maps on avalanche because its to big and laggy no dl
wow this is awsome it kinda looks like a mlg but isnt 5/5
ok thanks but what about double boxes how do i mkae them go in like a slide or ranp into the ground?
will some1 explain this to me i still dont get it , in the forge disscussion it doesnt help me to much so more detail would be helpful thanks...
Ok but in the forge 101 it doesnt explain walls and how to do it sideways good enough....also were is the forge disscussion?
Hey guys how do i put a double box into the ground sideways and how do i put a wall into the ground thanks for the help Travis havey