hmmm... well, im very sorry to say, but theres not enough to work with as a functioning invasion map. the concept is amazing, and definitely needs...
Umm... This is not a post. this is a picture. You need to have some commentary, and definitely more pictures. Show us the overall of the map. give...
Wow. This map looks like the real deal. It does remind me alot of lockout, and a little of construct. Ill dl and take a closer look. I like the...
hmmmm... seems very uninteresting. some small maps are great, but there's a point when it gets too small. I don't know. it vaguely reminds me of...
looks cool. could we get a large overview shot? and a few more details at exactly what were looking at would be nice. ill dl and take a look.
very nice. I like the whole artillery part. looks decent, but have you actually played on it? does it work? a few action shots might convince me to dl
my face is either going to throw up or explode out of sheer dizzyness! Great job!
wow. the first phase i thought looked kinda if-fy, but the rest looks amazing. I love the ring jumps too. the only thing i have to say is that...
interesting. it looks promising, but in order to make dl's come to you, youd need more pictures. I an't see what the bases look like, and a side...
i dont mean to accuse or anything, but my map is also called water world, has underwater fighting (hence the name) and was posted on forgehub...
wow. looks good. Oddball looks like it would be great on here. But i gotta ask. why GRIF way? grif has never done anything worthy of maps named...
agreed. Im a big lord of the rings fan, and Ive wanted a helms deep invasion map for a while (short of making one myself) but this looks good....
or you use photo bucket. go into a veiwing gallery there, copy paste the pics into your post. I'd need to see it b4 I download.
Wow! Actually, this looks pretty cool. I have yet to see a big team map in this area that was not a remake. Ill dl and see what we have here.
Thank you. Might I suggest multi flag or FFA? It's a small map but it's fun. Thank you for your dl.
ok. Looks pretty decent. I'll dl and see what I can do. But, I love your tower. Looks detailed and fun to play in. I'd suggest your next map be...
Thanks! Sorry if it does look cluttered, but thats all just rocks and cover from the rockets. It really doesn't effect gameplay at all. But... is...
Hello there, Forgehub! This is my second map posted here, and I've heard great things from testers. Let's see if you agree. May I present: Water...
looks good! While I have very limited knowledge of Gemini itself, It looks nonetheless a fun map. You have a dl from me. I'll be back with some...
I've never played relic before (for that matter, I barely played halo 2 at all), but from all the pics and videos I've seen, It looks perfect....