I think it was a dark joke
I absolutely love it. Ive been looking for a map(i suck at forge, too impatient) to play a gametype me and my friends came up with. it need to be...
looks sweet, cant wait
i hope you finish soon. this looks pimpin
hardest effing puzzle ever im stuck in the second room, with the cages. i have no clue what to do. theres a point when it becomes ridiculus...
just because it doesnt sound good on paper doesnt mean its not good. and the map is huge.
sweet map dude. another good map. keep it up i love your maps.
All right dude. Im glad the new ones out. I loved the one on foundry. Now theres just one problem: getting a big enough party together, people...
Call Of Duty 4. Not the game so much, infact i love COD4 but i dont understand why people like it better then Call of Duty: world at war. People...
camping. camping is horrible and noobish in every game. you might as well not play the game if your gunna camp. and yes camping with a sniper is...
Ive been trying to download this for like two months. the link isnt bringing me to it, and i cant find your gamertag on bungie. I seriously want...
I love the smoke from the warthogs, it looks fricken sweet! I finanaly manages to get left 4 and you recreated no mercy very very well in a bite...
4.5/5 (i would give it a 5/5 but i havent played left 4 dead so i dont have anything to compare it to, plays really well though.) I havent played...
can i have a link to the first four maps? ive been looking for good WWII maps for a long time.
i cant download... :(
i dont belive that. brutal serial killing is not an excuse.If you kill many people without mercy you do not deserve to live. yes we dont own him....
so if someone killed your friends and family brutally then tortured you to verge of death you want him to live?
oh....hehe....thanks. anyway i like doom(any one wanna play sometime?) and N+(") i kinda like marathon but no ever plays online so i threw ten...
I think the death sentence is very babrbaric. But I do think some people deserve it. Like some insane serial killer, that killed like 30+ people,...