sweet track good interlocking with the fences on the half pipe thing its also very neat 5/5
short but sweet
sweet map its very neat and layed out i like how you have to take down the tower to get the hammer
alot of camping spots and way to open in the second shot but good job interlocking 3/5
way to much equipment in that one spot but other than that good job 3/5
looks great
love it
that looks so fun great job one of the best b ball corts out there 4.5/5
great forging its diffrent i can tell you that but great job from the look at it the weapons lay out is good but the descrpition could be better 4/5
some pics would be helpful or at least a better description
looks pretty good but i would take out the turrets or put some more cover for the attackuing team and a better describsion wsrry for bad spelling...
sorry man for caling you a stalker it was just funny that you asked all those qwestion to Mercienator
i like that you used fence walls to make the main build in the center so yo can see and shoot through its also really neat and well forged but i...
good interlocking of the bridges but if you fall off you sould die not just be stuck down there, their would be people get real frustrated and try...
sweet map like the immovible tanks and those towers as cover rfor the banshees and hornets but the one thing i dont like is all the missle pod...
Theme/Image-- Evil Monsters like predator Colors-- Dark swirls n scaryness Text-- Shifty123 Border?-- Skulls Misc.-- Monsters
sweet map... but no interlocking and geo merging but good 4/5
that robotik guy is a stalker lol
sweet mini game looks way better than the normal bowling games 4.5/5
hey how did you get your sig like that