I know it has been explained, but I need a more basic explanation of what already exists. I need the spawning explained with all the "Fire Teams",...
I think it looks quite nice, very pleasing to the eye, and as well as that I think it would probably play pretty well. I'd totally know if I was...
Hey, me again, was just playing this, it's a very good Tremors map, it plays very smoothly and their are some very nice Aesthetics qualities to...
After a fly through in Forge I decided the map still looked pretty good, it's definitley pretty smooth and has interesting levels of hight which...
Wow, this map looks brilliant, I can tell without even playing it that it will most likely have decent gameplay, especially for team slayer. I'll...
Oh good, I'll arrange testing as soon as I can, hopefully soon as the Easter holidays are coming up and I'll have some time away from school to relax.
I'm quite sceptical and untrusting of some random internet people, I assume it's hopefully unlikely that they would steal it? Also just noticed...
I have a map I made on Sandbox, which I believe features interesting and somewhat unique gameplay, and I know that sort of stuff is usually highly...
The map looks brilliant, i will definitly DL this to check it out later on and I'll try and get some friends to play with me and get back to you....
I don't know what happened with the arch, but I stood ontop of it, through a grav lift onto it and if flew up into the air, but when I tried using...
(There's a summary at the bottom btw) No problem, i changed the text to white as well, I'm not really used to posting here that much since I...
Summary of moveable objects listed at the bottom of the thread btw. In a different thread, I set myself the task of finding out what objects in...
I'm quite sure the tiny block is moveale, having seen it in a map post this morning in some form of Cat and Mouse/Tremors mashup, but I'm still...
When I get a chance, I shall check which objects in the Sanbox pallet are moveable via grav lift and report back as soon as possible on what is or...
@Bobguy Yes, origionaly it was in Halo1, you are correct, however it was remade as tombstone in Halo2. The map looks good, I'm dling now to look...
I read erlier about doing the instance switch tecnhique on grav lifts, which I read, understood and sucessfully made an instance switch with a...
The floor kills you?
I'd check the 60 odd pages to see if anybody thaught of this, but me checking 60 pages? yeah right. Anyway, when i first saw the killballs I was...
This is the best Ghost Town map I've ever seen, DL'd and played. Like all of your other maps it has brilliant Aesthetic quality, clever design,...
It looks like a good map, and it looks pretty well forged, but if i'm honest it looks to small for my liking, unless it's actualy bigger, which...