ok, just for the record: this is a map pack. and secondly I included the title of every map that I made (drag) so please play testy my map...
this is a fun map pack created for 16 man racing (sorry if the download link leads to my file share, its just because I have multiple map and one...
hey salut joe c'est moi carbone1993 (si tas pas remarquer :D )
well I when I try to join you it says somthing about OPEN NAT and stuff and I just CAN't jouin you but somtimes I can...
...LOL WHY? nan searously, looks preaty cool worth DL but not much space left in my costom maps and games... gess ill just not dL... :(
hey pour ma map la eu j'y verait a la le bug mais y va faloir faire une v3 ou kkchose demaime..
Iagree with you, but the purpuse of "copying" RACETRACKS was to make it more competitive by putting a diffrent number of lap so that peaple do not...
Im sorry but when you kill you Loose* 2 points ;)
nice layout of the map realy makes me think about GRID (a racing game (my favorite))... but it seems that you should of put more effort on it lik...
doesent look smooth ... not realy worth DLing . try merging it makes the track more driveble and more fun to play and it doesent seem THAT hard...
I addmit I was a bit lazzy but the point of this banked turn, is too be just enough angled too do a drift try it out you will see :P
MLG Racing map! (Uncheatable race) This map is truely ucheatable and fun to play! Download map here: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details...
Mlg? i Dissagr33!
k, almost finished with the V2 of the map it should roughly look like this. Changes Added an other floor Overshield now spawns in the middle...
Finally an interlocked remake on Avalanche. The shape of it looks nice to, it's not squarish and I bet this makes the gameplay even better. Oh and...
argh I'm almost out of bridges, but ill try non the less. Oh and what's a regenerator gravlift? 0_0
Im opened to suggestions :D what other route could I add to get the flag?
When I finished the map yesterday, I started roaming around in monitor mode to see the places where you could not die and I realised how much...
Regular gametypes work fine on this
If the map name is corrected then I would strongly recommend this map it' really awsome with a big number of players.