Edit: This is the same as Toxic Splatterz. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-forge-discussion/142634-guide-dynamic-lighting.html I think this...
I was testing this yesterday with about 10 random drops by each other.. its only 1 Random Drop for that gametype time limit for random drops, and...
Invasion is also somwhat possible with Extraction with that same type of concept.. you have the extraction point assigned to the defender team so...
Because normally you cannot edit some of these settings. You can kinda recreate these things, but these files are "special".
With knowing how the gametypes and options are though, even if there maybe an option, it may not work because most of customs is sadly glitched :/
yeah, the base shields, seem to not work correctly either at all times I've noticed.. you have to be (in what I think) pretty far away from the...
Yeah, you can only hope so, with the way customs and forge are right now.. its just a big mess, in which I'm disappointed in. It feels like reach...
I've tried this with multiple pieces and tested a bunch of things, ran into some major issues.. buildings will spawn, but not despawn, and...
Well thats good, as long as it works.
What about the "Place at Start"? is that set to true?
Well I'd like to test it, but from your gamertag, I find no files.. you sure you have it up on your fileshare?
no one does, and I don't think any current maps use it, so I don't think we have a way of figuring out until 343 or Certain Affinity say something...
That COULD be helpful, but those are the very very most basic things. what OP is referring to is the "use cooldown" feature (and no one knows the...
): !sknahT
Why Thank you!
You can do this with other things like weapons and vehicles also, I tested this yesterday, and posted this in another topic "Insane Gametype...
Your welcome, mine is too.. too bad some of these features you cant have on invasion, I think they should do that. Bungie's Jeremiah fileshare...
Could you give me more details? I've been testing these things out, if you want you could invite me to your game also, and it would be helpful if...
I found out the way that works.. So far I havent found other that "Goal_Noise" doesnt do anything. So your "HB_Goal" is set to the right team...
It does switch the sides correctly for the spawns and everything, I know this, I've tested this on a couple of maps I've made with a friend.. This...