Dude... Doesnt look that good... I mean neatness wise. I say you take it and Remake it in the Crypt of Sandbox when you get it (if you do) Itll...
I love this map! Dude the concept is a little iffy, seeing that ive been in alot of "Clan Meeting" maps and they were all crap. Good to see...
Hahaha dude Nice map! Reminds me alot of Mario Cart in that it has all the useless good-looking crap everywhere. NemiHara is right though... you...
Then no grace for you dude... dont post a map if you didnt put any work into it... it just shows that you dont really care about it as much......
Nice work dude! 4.9/5!!! One of the best looking maps I've seen thats this open! I really like it because it reminds me of a "Hybrid" (LULZ i maed...
I dunno what you guys think but im gonna go all out Blackout style forging off that Beautiful cliff they have there... I would think itll play...
I definitly know what you're saying and I reallize "Holy **** that would be Cool!" but it could never happen... if no a limit on one item then you...
[url/http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3.aspx?gameid=588501040&player=digitalph33r%20cj=url] I believe this is what hes talking about...
Is it me or does this seem like one of those cutscreens from those fighting games when 2 people duel and they like... pass eachother with swords...
Dude i really like the idea and the open spaces do provide an ideal place for big parties... but i think its a little stressed... it has alot of...
Great job man! Ive played on a lot of scarab maps that were just aesthetic and they were ok... until 7 of my friends joined and decided to only...
Dude I've seen alot of great maps in my days... this is one of the most aesthetically pleasing and functional maps yet, that uses the entire map...
testing new sig EDIT: success!
Yeah! Dude, thanks this is the best one I've seen with Scout! (super bias) Thanks for saving me the embarrasment of a MSPaint made Sig :D
Well dude, I do like Scout armor and flashy, fiery things. So if you can come up with something (im sure you can :P) Please make it with lots and...
Hey guys... I may not be new to forge but a new website always poses new problems for me (especially forums). I infact have made a signature but...