At first look, I thought it was a lockout/blackout remake. Then after reading your description I realised you were inspired by such maps. This map...
Ya... first of all you need some pictures... Secondly, you say the map is built for jetpacks but you put holograms and drop sheilds... Also, you...
Dude! That was sick! I usualy dont comment nless im really impressed on somthing and then I saw this... snap! I remember playing this map back in...
Actualy the main gametype for this map, in my opinion, is king of the hill. Usualy we play with about six guys and it can get really crazy....
Ya sure, i dont mind at all. I checked out your killhill and that reminds me a lot of desolation. Oh and if you do make a new map, i sugest that...
You can kill the sword holder by suppressive br fire as well. You can actualy kill most players with suppressive br fire. Oh and there are plenty...
This map is loaded with cover and most spawns, you are completely hidden from the enemy. Rarely would any one spawn on the courtyard area near the...
This is my first map that I have built in the mythic map pack era. I have many more to come so no worries. Nightmare v3 is a continuation of my...
Hahaha Omg JB thats me!!! Pic number 9. Im red team and im pretty sure i died attempting to melee that guy. Well play testing this map was awsome!...
After the saturday testing night, I have to say that this is the smoothest sandbox map i have ever played on. Everything was interlocked to...
This looks so hard. Im not the best at jumping around and stuff but this looks really hard. I would have liked it more though if the video was in...
Sry dude, but this map is not... um well.... good. Its is eaily escapable. There is no interlocking. The crates are not even turned upside...
This is very cool. I like the idea of a smaller version of orbital. However... I would take off the grav lift and the box by the elevator pit. It...
You can build a map on a budgit glitched canvas. Just dont delete any thing and you will have plenty of objects to use in you creation. If you...
Um ya man sounds good... Havnt raced in a while but looking forward to it
Hahaha... Omg. My friends would hate this map. They are the worst drivers in the world!!! Preferably, I like race trackes that are wide enough for...
I think your map was already posted like a day or two ago. I am sure I have seen this. Um... If you did by chance post this twice is your map...
A very simply map. Im guessing its completely designed for king of the hill??? Are your spawn weapons the only weapons used in this. I suggest a...
Well this map looks cool. Im a big fan of these types of maps that are compact however you have some open places. Also can you please incorperate...
Hey dude, Nice map. It has a cool basic design. Its nothin fancy but it gets the job done with a good halo map. However. It seems like there is...