no bloom no AA and regular halo gamestyle gravity.
hai [:
Level 50.
be cool i guess...
haha your funny. yup i pressed F5 twenty-nine thousand times. genius. because it really gets me far doing that.
boosting his profile count wtf? how do you even do that?
thats nothing compared to my friends profile views. OMGtragiik hes a beast. and idk who he is or how he is on my fl (dow)
I'm not sure if what you posted on my page was meant to be racist?
hahahahahahahaha ? hahaha ?
actually i never "F5"'d my profile page.. that'd be a ****in' waste eh?
I don't really agree with any of that. If you just play it off as no big deal then why are you in the MLG playlist? It is for competitive players,...
okay add me. Skippyyyyyyyyyy << GT. I am a good friend ha
Guardian slayer was removed from MLG? or just slayer?
No acceleration is a change in velocity i.e. you accelerate when you speed up. you accelerate when you slow down. you accelerate when you change...
I think it funny how none of the communists have it ha. for those who dont know who who the communist countries are they are like Russia and North...
if you get it then go to the doctors. haha sorry but viruses don't really work that way. and you cant just get a regular flu shot for it. It isn't...
Is there anyway to cancel an account that you used a credit card to start. besides having to call some person in india aka 18004myxbox
It is believed that 30-60% of the population will be infected with this virus in the next six months. info came from Centers for Disease Control...
I use auto aim. I made this thread because there was an old thread about someone asking how to do this. I just was trying to help them out. you...