Can you explain the "Landmine Minigame?"
Good map but theres a blinking red button in the room where the humans start and for some reason whenever I touch it I die and im not sure what it...
This is a really unique gametype which makes very interesting use of the ability to set armor abilities as safe havens. It's really fun as a...
That's actually really strange. I have never encountered that myself, nor have I had anyone else report that to me. Is it a specific spot in the...
Honestly, I myself believe the map is just fine as it is. It's simple and effective, and works perfectly with the gametype. I experimented with...
Idk why there was no thumbnail image, seeing as I had specified one, but now when I checked, it had disappeared. Anyways, the image should be...
Really? Does the one at the top work? They all work fine for me, maybe I'm linking it wrong, but it should work.
Concussion Derby [IMG] Concussion Derby is a fast-paced, hectic minigame where the humans must attempt to survive for 4 minutes while riding...
Sam, your zombie map, Security Tunnel, is hardly "a crappy zombie map." You need to give yourself more credit for your maps, they're all much...
This map is really fun as both the humans and the zombies. I've played it with Sam multiple times and it's pretty intense. You have to constantly...
Looks like a really great map, I like all the classes and their uses. I especially like the assault and stealth classes, as they are the most...
I like the idea,even if it isn't the most original thing ever, but the forging is really sloppy. If you have trouble placing walls straight, place...
@Benzu13 I know you didn't mean it as a bad thing, but honestly, what in Halo 3 is logical/realistic? =P The recommended players is in the post, 6...
@ Grif2200 I meant to add in my post that I was sorry if the setting or anything offended anyone. And I truely am sorry if it offended you or your...
@AeroDynamic: Aha, I'm sure you will have lots of fun with it. If you (or anyone else, for that matter.) is ever short on players, I'm always up...
IRAQ "The game where barricades are actually useful." [IMG] Overview 1 [IMG] Overview 2 Gametype: CLICK NAO Map: ALSO CLICK This is a game of...
Not sure if this has been said before but: When playing with multiple guests, the effects from the lights cannot be seen, you only see an orb....
Sorry about that. I scrolled back to about 309. Turns out it was on like 307 or 308.
I'm pretty sure no one's posted this yet so: [IMG] Found on someone's file share on Halo 3 Screenshots OMGWTFBBQ Looks like we can...
Sounds like a pretty good idea, although it may be too easy for the hornet flyer. You'd have to put many overhangs and shield doors.