Engine, it just looks so badass with that explosion in the background
My vote goes to Engine
wow... thats awesome! The fire and spartan looks realy nice togheter. How did you do it? 5/5 , Love It!
i am from sweden to so if you want an tester send me a message GT: swe engineII. but otherwise it seems great and im going to download it as soon...
No problem ;), if anyone else needs more time to forge just ask!
thanks for the link and there's no need to be sorry for that it's ok
yeah feel free to submit it mastar. and fynis you don't need to be amazingly good at forge just make an fun infection map :). and if im in need of...
what? i didn't delete any comment and i have been planning this contest for weeks coming up with prizes and stuff so im not going to back out just...
The thread is now updated so plz read it again.
ok i send you an pm if i need any judges too. and you're right about the time so im going to extend the time limit with one more week.
i don't need any judges right now but if i need onen later i send you an pm.
Allright, this is where we all shall be submitting the maps for the "Hallowen forge contest. Now, before I go any further: If you post anything...
Hallowen forge contest! (prize included) [IMG] Hello, forgers i have been planning this forge contest for a week now so im realy soory if...
hmm maybe you get bungie pro.
youre all wrong it's an tank and the circle on his left side is not an grenade it's the tank pipe, read the guide so that you can do it yourself...
yeah i will post it in like 20 min and thanks for the comment.
Here's a new screenshot effect that i thougt was cool and im going to put up a guide in this thread later on how to do it, but until then check...
sorry but i just realised that i posted this in the wrong forum so if any mod sees this plz remove it.
this question has been answerd at xbox.com and it's just like matty said they are just going to do some technical improvments,
no it's not impossible because bungie made a change to that achivement so that you could earn it before the 25th just as they realeased it to live...