Wow, where has this thread gone?
SYN flood, about 1Gbps of activity. We'll be back in a few
Whoah, whoah, whoah, wait. I don't want to be beating a dead horse here guys, but these "changes" are additions and modifications, not removals....
Because its one of many, many small issues you need to include when trying to fix things, and all those small things add up. When you're doing...
Love the changes, oVR :) Keep going, and don't be afraid to change things because honestly, they need to be changed. People will be upset when...
Believe it or not, it doesn't take a computer genius to install vBulletin 4.2 (I know the previous owners had you believing otherwise), this site...
"Maybe Halo Reach will save the site" "Maybe Halo 4 will save the site" It's been a long time since the site didn't need saving, and I don't see...
<sigh>... If I had a nickel... The enthusiasm from someone is appreciated, though :)
Agreed, of course I'd love for FH to thrive again; but I think it may be far enough down that it won't be possible without a really cohesive...
Well spoken, BT. I do think the site is fixable... but it might not be worth the effort. It's a weird thing to say, but it would take a lot more...
That's what I figure; to give you guys an idea of how things are supposed to be done, we started working on Halo 5 stuff as soon as the major site...
They'll make you think that this is hard, but it absolutely isn't. Data? Easy. TZ can download all data. It's in the Admin CP, its RIGHT THERE. I...
As much as they'll make it seem like "it's not a simple fix", it really is. If you're not CONSTANTLY moving forward, something is wrong. Sometimes...
There's plenty of Forge-related places that have far more activity than here. Look at THFE, look at THC, hell even look at my own site, it has...
Believe it or not, those 60,000 people playing the game are doing just that -- playing the game. It's not that hard to play the game and...
There are over 60,000 players playing Halo every single day. There are other communities with plenty of activity -- admittedly not IDEAL, but...
I argued this way back (if you recall, Hub Pubbers) before it was too late, and then went off to make my own site instead because the staff...
Can anyone confirm if Kajin actually bought the site from RMN during the update?
As entertaining as this is, might I recommend you guys take it to a private conversation? You're embarrassing yourselves.
This. To be honest, I was far from mature at the time, but I feel like we all cared for the site more than the current administration, and that...