with the power of jesus in your veins not by a brute shot i makethem all the time
hello i poop alot \ lawlz ******
im gunna suck your ****
great map i really like the interlocking and merging looks like a great map for ts or flag but it does look kind of sloppy in the train area
wow looks really fun there is some great interlocking so props for that but like that guy said it looks like there would be alot of spawn killing...
This map looks really fun to play on i will definately dl all of the maps interlocking and merging looks fantastic also the main structure is...
hahaha i didnt get it at first but that is really cool man how did you get his arms like that i really like it the old timey adds alot of effect too
really cool looks like a cancel sign or sumthin you should totally teach us how to do this good job though man +rep
This map looks really cool i dont understand how this is modded please explain but even still this looks awesome i will dl im still not sure what...
i really like your pic making your spartan black is a good idea what did you use for an explosion in the back 9/10
this map has been made before (which is not bad) but you remade it and made it really good i like how you made it off the map its really cool...
i really like it you did a good job with it alot of the castles on avalanche usually suck (no offense to the others) but i really like it i like...
thanks for neg repping me for misunderstanding something... good job!
this map looks really good i will dl your interlocking is really good and looks really clean the map does not look messy in one bit at all but...
im not a big fan of cops and robbers but this looks pretty fun to play on i like the breakout point thats pretty cool also your interlocking looks...
i really like how you made this on avalanche geat job for that also it reminds me of sapphire (i think someone said that) looks like alot of fun...
i really like the map it has some great interlocking i like how it has that one bridge going through the open are its really cool try adding...
this map is interlocked really well props for that i love how its a very close quarters map i like those the best but the map looks better...
wow this map looks great your interlocking looks really great this map looks really fun for a team slayer or an oddball game but on the downside...
wow man this definately deserves a feature good job on the feature i really like the interlocking its really nice also i like the turret area in...