yo sup
This looks like so much fun! I like the idea with the VIPs. This must have been a hard game to think of and create. Downloads for me.
Wow! this has to be the craziest duck hunt I have ever seen! I like how the hunter is in the middle and has a 360 degree view of the course....
Alright! I finished v1.5. Basicly its the same thing with built for the gametype 1-bomb, which is a default gametype bundled with Halo 3. Enjoy.
I thought about putting teleporters inside the elephants, but then it occured to me that the pirates could just use the teleporters to get to the...
The pirates can attack both if they want. In version 2 I might try this with only one elephant, so that I can use my origanal idea with 1 sided...
Somali Pirates (v1/v1.5) Somali Pirates Created by Grubish360 Supported Gametypes: Multi-bomb: Version 1 1-bomb: Version 1.5 Map Description...
I'm trying to make a map where the defenders have to defend two elephants from the attackers. But when ever I test it out. One of the elephants...
I like how this reminds me of pac man. I also like how you made it with two levels, it gives it larger feeling. The first and second level look...
Wow, this looks like a very amazing and fun map. I like the side structures. I will surely download this and play it with my friends.
I was wondering if anyone has created a map using all of the areas in Sandbox. The crypt, main area, and sky bubble.
Wow. This is pretty amazing. How did you make the switch for the mouth? This map is great. You should make more like this.
This map looks amazing! When I saw the first picture, I thought that this map took a lot of time. The details and the interlocking is top notch....
Thanks everyone for your feedback.
Wow this must have taken you forever to make. Its so original. I might download this. 4/5
lol. I love homer. Have you seen the spider pig screenshot?
While this map looks interesting, its kind of sloppy. Maby in the next version you could make it look a little nicer. Nice job though.
I have the mythic maps. Name - grubish360 Gamertag - Grubish360
Thank you for this thread. This will improve my forge skills a lot.
Wow. This a great thread. Now I don't have to look around for great sanbox maps because everything is in this thread. Thank you.