No because its modded and i dont feel like getting banned to give u a gametype, like i said send me a friend request and ill give it too u...
Paintball Arena By: Sticky32 Painball Arena is a symetrical arena stlye paintball map (obviously) i made a long time ago but never got around...
Finaly! someone who uses the good version of paintball, not that br crap. the map seems to have a good amount of cover, however i dont like how u...
Pitfall Recomended gametype: your choice by Sticky32 Pitfall is a remake of my foundry map Pipeline, with some much needed improvements. Its...
I think ive played on this map before... months ago, unless its one that just looks very simular. but just in case that was ur map or u didnt...
Confusion By: Sticky32 Confusion is a small, rather confusing map that is essentioally a lage pit with walkways around it on 3 different levels....
this is pretty sick i made one for a map a few weeks ago but its no where near as good as this one. good job id like to see this tuned into a...
Why dont you make it a slayer game, make the score limit 1 if you can and make deaths +1 points, so the game ends when the first person dies. if...
The Complex Infection 5-16 Players by Sticky32 This map is set up only for infection, sorry I didnt think it would be very good for anything...
Distortion is one of my favorite maps and was where i got my inspiration from. Ilike your idea of putting the plants in opposite corners but im...
Wait... you made a map like this for rocketrace? I'd like to see this, i love rocket race. Please send me a link when u get it posted. Also...
V-Griffball by: Sticky32 A Griffball court I made that has a little twist... well... tilt. THis is on foundry and unfortunatly fairly small...
Title: Ghosts v2 Message Body: Ghosts v2 Created by Sticky32 map: Foundry Supported Gametypes: Infection Description: Zombies...
I must say i like this map, it is very good for a non-DLC map, and looks like it would have good gameplay, i also like how the zombies have 3...
This is pretty sick. I like it, its a good idea. Ill download, take a look at it and see if i cant put it in a future map.
The zombies do 0% damage, so they are useless. Version 2 will have more things in the arena. Thats a good idea. ill probably add something like...
Ghosts Created by Sticky32 Base: Foundry Supported Gametypes: Infection Equipment on map: PowerDrain: never respawn TripMine: never...
you really sholdnt put the pictures in a spoiler thingus, however the map looks pretty good, but could use some more interlocking, i like what you...
this map looks pretty nice, i like the boosting parts and the fact that u used the back part (u dont see that very often in a race map) ill dl and...
i cant quite figure out why i like this map but ill dl and for a v2 maybe fix that water and remove quite a bit of your weapons other then that...