Drew this in GIMP [IMG]
Thanks for the comments and criticism. I'm going to go practice some more.
Here are some pop out sigs I made recently. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
mine Here's what I came up with. [IMG]
What's the machinima going to be about?
UNSCDF Recruitment Poster. [IMG]
constructive criticism, tips, and ideas appreciated. Been looking at some tutorials and I think I'm improving, do you? [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Can it be an ODST or do you just want marines?
Im going to sound really stupid but what graphics editor. I used GIMP to do all the suits.
Thanks guys for the feedback guys, those pictures were just some very basic ghillies suits to start off with but i like the idea of adding leves...
I have recently *modified some spartan armour too include ghillie suits for increased stealth. I am looking to create even more pictures like...
Improved Spartan Stealth Armour. [IMG] [IMG]
the new and improved spartan stealth armour. Comes complete with ghillie suit. [IMG]