not sure..just my halo colrors are all off...but my cable color isnt...if i was to try to fix it in xbox dashboard were would i find coloring?...
Far Cry Map Makeing is awsome..if halo 3 is gona come out with something like that theres gona be lots of bungie favorites..on far cry u can make...
ok...howcome my green on halo is like a swampy type of green and my white is sorta paleish and my steel is like do i fix it cuss all my...
lol whos the recon guy who poped up in every screenshot or so?
nothin new...just a explosion going on while i just mind my buisness re-loading...just wanted to post it cuss it looks cool ina way on the...
dude.....ive had my account for 10 MINS DONT ASK ME
Nice Dude....confuseing how it ended up in there randomly but still cool....
A Sketched Sniper Rifle...looks 100% sketched from what most of my friends say...but see for yourself...please come raite it at :...
crap dude thats hella of the BEST screenshots ive seen so far
best obsticle coarse maps ive seen made on halo 3 so far...nice
I made this screen shot a long time ago....friends have wanted me to post it on here so i finaly am...hope you like it.. PLease Rate It At...
This is a good looking map dude...looks pretty cool and is realy fun....thanxs for posting it