Wow, it's crazy to still see so many familiar names still around here. What are all of you guys up to nowadays?
Leaked E3 MS/Sony info from CBOAT-neogaf - Discussion - CBOAT has yet to be wrong with the exception of him saying there would...
You have to download your games from steam. So literally all you have to do is run the game once after it's finished downloading, then you can...
Since When? Oh, sorry. I thought you said there was an always-online requirement. Either I misread or you can't understand the self-explanitory...
Just to correct you a tad, and to further your point... You actually DO own every game you purchase on steam. When you purchase your games, you're...
The only cloud computing they could utilize would be keeping persistent worlds or calculating things that don't directly affect the player....
There it is. Now the XBO is a platform I may decide to purchase sometime in the future. MS needed to learn that people like to actually own the...
Unity is quite definitely not 'a rendition of notepad' My point is, it's nothing new. Not even new to consoles, or even the Xbox. See: Kudo...
Looks like a dumbed down version of Unity. Most of the games made with just the XBO and not the Win8 version are probably going to be pretty...
My guess is it'll be a system similar to the family gold packs they already have. You designate a parent account and connect it to all the others....
Funny tidbit of information: My phone (HTC One X+) is better than the OUYA. It runs with the exact same processor (Nvidia Tegra 3) but has access...
Launch Titles (Stolen from Reddit): Kinect Sports Rivals (Kinect) - RARE Ryse: Son of Rome (New IP) - Crytek Forza Motorsport 5 (Drivatar) -...
Borderlands 2: April 2nd Update -, The Video Games Wiki I'm both happy and disappointed with this... Happy because we're getting more...
A few things to correct you on here. First, I'm gonna just quote something from your other post to clarify: First off, Valve only distributes...
If I had to pick a "favourite" publisher, I'm moreso picking my least least favourite publisher. Frankly, that'd have to be Take-Two as (to my...
HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED! But seriously, H3 was the best Halo game to date. If they released it on PC after the next Xbox launches, I will forever...
I know this wasn't directed at me, but I feel the need to reply to this... I was skeptical about 343i when I first learned of their upcoming...
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of the infidel tanks blowing up because of my awesomeness.
You're doing it wrong. Two words: Jihadi Dirtbike
Downloading Endgame right now. Can't wait to try out Air Superiority. Also, jets are so ridiculously easy to pilot on PC. I can't wait to start...