I hath commented, and will be downliading momentarily. Do me a favour, and click my sig, and check out, and talk about my map. <3
I personally find hemorrhage really fun for 4v4, that might be my play style talking though. From the looks of this, there's some really nice...
how's it goin' there?
vorp vorp vorp
Definitely an interesting design, but from the video, it looks like it's extremely large, and drawn out. Most individual areas have only 2 or 1...
I find myself not being able to sit around too much. There's so many different sightlines, and ways to get around the map. Really happy with how...
I saw you offer up making a video for a map in the competitive forum, think you could do something like that for me and my map Quadraxis? It's a...
^ Not a very polite answer from a higher up. It's not needed, but it's definitely a piece of housekeeping that should at least be kept up to date.
I like the way you did this map post. And I especially like the looks of the phase 2 area. DL and I'll be back to edit this post.
Map looks really nice, and playeable. I'm surprised I haven't explored Tempest much yet. This makes me want to. downloaded.
Got my download before I read past jump pad. I'll come back and edit my post after playing the map. Btw, very nice image use at the start of...
The 2x2 Steep Ramps, are there intentionally. I didn't want that section of map to be as open as the adjacent sections. And those ramps ended up...
Thanks alot. If you get a chance to play it, let me know what you think. I try to make a visually appealing map, that doesn't take away from...
I appreciate the umm..compliment. 30 seconds after I post the map.. :/ Glad you liked playing it.
Quadraxis [IMG] *UPDATE* Download link has been updated to the v1.1 fileshare link. Updated screenshots pending. Changes to Quadraxis...
Hey man, how's it goin?
If you're doing any testing this week around 6pm EST. send me invites. I need to get back on track for testing. Finally got the new maps, and I...
Are you threatening me? [IMG] Welcome...back? lol
When I beat this, I'll link to the video in my fileshare ;)
Well I think I'll be joining RH very very soon. =]