Haha way to go captain obvious. I dont know how you ever thought of such an intricate process for taking screen shots on a map. I dont think i...
Coloseum By GrabThaTech420 Download MAP here: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download H-Bomb Variant here:...
Amazing. Simply amazing. One of the best maps i have ever seen. Awesome job, keep up the superb work guys. I look forward to seeing more amazing...
I hate sounding like a ****, and im not trying to, but this map looks like garbage. Any 9 year old could merge a bunch of boxes together and call...
This map looks tight, i like it alot. Im gonna DL and see how it plays. But another thing is, is that people, seriously, shut up about...
I admire you for posting a map that you just hope will bring joy to atleast one kid. Honestly, to me, this seems boring, but you know that...
Nice, looks like it could be way fun. Not too sure bout the mongooses thought, seems somewhat pointless. but the idea of the game seems extremely...
this map looks AWESOME from the pics. Great job! I Havent played on it yet but i have it qued for DL and im sure i wont be dissapointed in it....
Mt. RUSH MORE!! Made by GrabThaTech420 IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!! In the game variant it got switched so that Zombies and Alpha Zombies cannot...
Dude i like how none of your pictures work and how you posted so many things about what people are saying, but when i read the comments they all...
Wow, this map looks like a work of art. I really like your interlocking and how all of your structures look. Very nice job, keep up the good work....
Abandoned Made by GrabThaTech420 A man truly dedicated to forging great maps for the public Here is the link!: Bungie.net : Community :...
To post maps there is a whole section on this site dedicated to telling you everything you need to know about posting maps. Start off by looking...
THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT!!! It bugs me that people on here constantly complain about how every damn thing isnt interlocked!!!! It doesnt need...
I dont know what these kids are complaining about... most of their maps arnt any better at all. I like this map, and i really enjoy how the stairs...
Looks somewhat sloppy but also you can hardly see anything from the few pics. Looks too small of a map. Take more pics maybe or maybe the map is...
Olde Towne By GrabThaTech420 Download Olde Towne here: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing [IMG] [IMG]...
This is thee FUNNEST infection that i have ever played. I downloaded it about two weeks ago and i've played it almost everyday since. Congrats on...
Hey, i am new to ForgeHub so i figured i could introduce myself by seeing if there are any of you out there that would like to test a new map im...
Holy smokes, this map is awesome. Lots of great pics and a really good description. Great job 4.5/5