Autopilot you say? I'm gonna test this map out. I've always been struggling to keep the elephant flying, with the controllable one. I'm excited...
Whoa! This map looks sweet! I'm downloading it right now. 5* :)
Holy crap! This is awesome, I've tried making a map like this but given up loads of times because I'm not in the mood of forging - Thank you very...
Are you serious? If so, that's awesome. OP where is the map link? I WANT IT NEEEEEU.
This map was so hard, yet so fun! I tried and tried and tried, until I gave up at the last part on the last tower. It was fun and kind of...
Awesome map overall, but I got out of the map on first attempt. With a grenade. I would fix it a bit more.
A regular Hornet fires missiles and better turret. The troop-transport Hornet has a weaker turret and no missiles. Anyway, to the OP, you should...
Needs more close-up pictures, for those who don't have the Mythic Map pack. :P It looks pretty sweet actually, those floating bases look pretty...
Wow, this map looks awesome. I'm soo downloading this map when I get the map pack. What might be a problem though, is people not knowing what to...
This map looks pretty cool, I'm going to make a whole bunch of dark zombie maps when I get my hands on Sandbox.
Scary and awesome idea! I want the Map Pack now, I want to build on Sandbox!
Holy ****! There are windows like that on Sandbox?! I CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE! NEED MAPS. This map looks sick, If I could I'd be playing that right now.
That looks pretty sweet actually, it gave me an idea of what to make when I get Sandbox... :) Holy crap, you're from Finland, my favorite country. :D
Looks Awesome! I've tried a similar map, my friend showed me it. It was kind of boring, since he forgot the gametype... But now you made a better...
Aww, but It'll still be fun although. :D
As I haven't tested the map yet, what is the Hammer of Dawn in your map? Because I have a useful idea for it, as far as I know the Hammer of Dawn...