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Why is everyone obsessed with interlocking! If it's not an aesthetic map it doesn't matter it's about the mini game! have any of you even tried...
Why is everyone on forge hub obsessed with interlocking why do you insist on interlocking if its not necessary? READ MY FIRST POST! No...
Shoot the soccer ball in the opposing goal drop in the goal and arm a bomb to score a point
Read my first post
How about you quit being lazy and just click the pics
MAP: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing GAME: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing...
Just because it look simalar to a another game doesnt mean it isnt fun my friends personaly love the game and tnt polo and griffball so why dont...
Sorry I could make a court different enough for you I was just trying to share my fun game with other people who might enjoy it. Its the only set...
Try playing the game with 6-12 people it plays different than tnt polo give it a try before you knock it.
You drop into the hole and arm a bomb, because of the teleporters you cant go down till you have scored a goal.
Thats my new gamertag Svm420 is my old one but Svm420 is easier to type than the alternating caps
Pics are up now[IMG]
No i looked at it and started from the ground up
I know it looks like tnt polo but that is the only way i could make a court that counted points I have a link to pic but its really not necessary...
MAP: GAMETYPE: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing...