Ehh... I agree with this, although this eliminates the possibility of "I-just-joined" players. This can be somewhat accomplished with a 30 sec...
I recall playing a map on Sandbox but I can't remember the name. A little help? It's a mini-game. I've already searched it in the forums, no...
Mod, please lock or delete.
Ok sure thing. But a mod hasn't come to move it yet, which is weird. ----------------------- @SABRE88: Yea of course I won't COPY your map! If I...
No, I wasn't playing any kind of journey map, and mine isn't even half finished yet. Reminder: I'll release screenshots some time soon! I am...
Well I'd assume that most "Journey" maps have the Barriers obstacle right? That gets tough to beat without a hammer or brute shot. Are you saying...
If that's the case, so be it, a mod can move it. I'm not too familiar with the rules here... The obstacles will not take any longer than 1 to 5...
Since the description for 'Halo Forge Maps' includes discussion of Forge maps, I though I'd describe my latest work in progress: DaNGeR PaTH...
ATTENTION: I've scrapped the whole idea and I'm going to make a Foundry Obstacle Course Infection map. Similar to Sabre's Journey, which is...
Wow, I read all the negative posts and I agree with Clutch and Sabre: you guys are idiots. Even if they DID copy, so what? The point of forging is...
Hi I read the profile message that you sent me. Why do I think I've seen the name SneakyBlumpkin before? Anyways, I have enough people to help me...
Sorry don't need any more help. But I'll ask you if I do.
Not really but if for some reason I do, I'll surely ask for your help.
Yep added you. I'll probably be online again tomorrow (8/18/08) at 10:00 AM EST, we can start over then. I'll also be online at other various times.
I've already asked a mod to move it, and it's going to be in Forge Discussion, not Halo Discussion (if not already). ---------- Thanks for all...
Ok I've asked SargeantSarcasm to move it. In the meantime, if you'd like to help: thanks! Add me on XBL and I'll send you the map info. I'll be...
I'm looking for 1-3 players willing to help me make a fun and scary (Infection?) map. The reason I put parentheses and a '?' around the word...