From what I can see it plays like a much larger map than it is, and the interlocking is great, but one question. Why is there a lot of unnececery...
Spartan 104 He has the same name as me
It looks like you tried hard to perfect the interlocking and geomerging and really thought about weapon placement. 5/5. A definite download once i...
I think the 'nighttime battle' idea is very original, and it will add a nice feeling to the map. It seems to me that the map is in space, and two...
it IS a camo guy. I CAN SEE HIM! EPIC FAILURE}
Vehicle Comp Entry Name:Fadishure Faction:Covenant Sub-Faction: None Role:An EXTREMELY heavy assault/attack platform. Used for MASS...
halo is not war i would think war is what they tell in the books, humans having to defend their colonies from being glassed by the covenant....