hi golden u looked on my account just wondering where my name popped up from by the way i have a website if u wanna look? dosent matter just...
nice map 3/5 not sure if lots of people would want to paly it over and over though nice idea though
Cool tahnks for the help im going to find a forge buddy! :)
Nice 5/5 Good looking map well thought out who long did this take you?
nice theory i try and test it out altough i am only one person ill need some of my friends to help
seriously Ive seen a lot of stuff like that in my halo 3 time but nothing compared to the epicness of this 5/5 awsome
Nice map dont listen to theese guys you made a map similar to other maps big woop i think its good keep up the good work!
Very good Nice looking map good storyline could you use the concept make a cops and robbers map?
Is the glitch local only?
Hi everyone visit www.freewebs.com/haloforged
Infection maybe What if zombies spawned behind them and to have a chance to survive you have to get to the dawn before they kill you!
Awsome I want this so badly i hav to delete some of my maps though!
Cool you say you have halo get 2 and 3 then get call of duty 4 (incase you suck at halo 3) and also get soul calibur 4 its awsome
Wow Awsemome would you conisder join my forge team? link to me website is in signitaure and just message me on forge hub if you want to!
omfg First haha betrayal 2nd classic u should have recon 3rd awsome at its peak:lol:
Rofl Funny As Hell Nice Pics Good One
amazing That looks frikin amazing no joke wow
Nicce! Looks good carnt see A LINK TO DOWNLOAD?
Cool Like the name even though it is a perk from call of duty 4 but generally the map looks good!:happy:
Pretty good dont listen to some of thesse you did something if you want i could help include that in one of my maps?