I've got it
I saw Thor, I did not like
I just bought the game Wondering if anybody has a server or wants to play MPS or something..
Sorry, not enough mellow platforms:/ Jk This map looks pretty cool to be honest. That center building is actually really neat. And then NEUTRAL...
I played a 2v2 on this a while back.. I believe I had just stole it from your file share when you came online once, and I've got to say it was...
Well I played it the other day and although I didn't get to play a full game it was still great.. Little spoiler for you guys who haven't played...
People should try to name maps like how Bungie names their maps. Powerhouse is called Powerhouse as it is a Powerhouse, Narrows is called Narrows...
Gamertag: HopefulRUIN Time On: GMT on about 5 until whenever Job: Sure
9 times out of 10 Steve ;D I've never bothered going into much thought about the spawn system but I guess I'll have to some time.. I just tend...
She's still better at performing than most of the pop artists now-day's
Go back to sleep.
Testing tonight Steve? :D This map looks pretty cool if I'm honest.. And do you mean it plays like Citadel? because Citadel didn't play so good.
I meant in terms of vibrant colour and dullness..
Yeah, but Forerunner stuff does. I don't find it too much of a problem to be honest. And Sandbox was worse.
Do you have links to anything you've made before? I havn't posted a map yet (Although I've forged over twenty or so) but you can have a link to a...
Okay^^ Can I have some information on the project though..? Please..?:D
Yeah! Happy new years to you also!^^
Those bastards.. I don't recall giving them distribution rights to my mind.
In a bottle..
Yeah sure Polish, I won't get be able to play this until tomorrow though but I should be able to get a 2v2 together. I will save the film and put...