I would suggest that you joust with snipers instead. Its much more fun i think. hammers would just fling you off the side and swords might work,...
I submitted my clip to the gamertag, yay! I hope mine is chosen :)
Very nice Flipside or should I say Yshlaw? Anyway that looks like a solid battle track to me. I like how smooth you made your banked turns look. I...
The funniest, craziest mother****** from Norway that you will ever find on the internet, period. Click here for part one Click here for part...
Now here's something I haven't seen in a while. I playable Starwars map. And it's not on Foundry?!? Bravo. I like your use of Ghost town for...
Your post is not up to Forge Hub standards. Please include at least one embedded picture as well as a description of your map. You have 24 hours...
I understand about that. One question though: Does each area of sandbox have a default layout or is it just the middle area?
When I first saw this I was like "Are you serious?" but then when I thought about it some more I saw how fun this could really be. I imagine...
Awesome. I would expect nothing less from either forger. This is a map that gives me another reason to hate myself for not getting Halo Wars. This...
OMG! My and my freinds spent almost 3 hours trying to complete Hell on Earth, and we still havent beat it! I know what you mean by this is a one...
HI, B3NJ4M1N08 here. I was just wondering if you could be as so kind as to do me a favor? Specifically, I just got my Gamertag on Xbox Live...
Hey Rick, sorry to bother you about this, but do you know who I need to talk to about getting my username changed? I just recently changed my...
Hey Cosmic Rick! I saw where you posted about my first map R-tillery. I have replied to your comment on the thread and I think I answered your...
About the custom power up and OS. Those are there so the spotters can identify their wraith that they are directing. Ex: A spotter sees the red OS...
Wow, I agree purple bunker was cool n all, but this gives the other team a fighting chance. Nice usage of KotH for the gametype and I really like...
Seriously, why wasn't this featured earlier? This looks amazing!!! Bungie should hire you to work for them because honestly, this looks like a map...
-HELP WANTED!- I need testers to help me with my two new maps R-tillery V2 and Avalauncher. I prefer that you have a rank of unsc graduate or...
Impressive. Can't wait to try this map out. Expect a full review from me soon.
This looks very interesting and it looks like it could be a fun alternative to grifball. I like that there are mongeese on this map and am very...
Ah this is what I've been lookin for! I have looked for an asymetrical map that my friends and I can have fun playin around on and this one made...