This map looks really awesome. The crane IS the best idea for that area.
I think running around with the oddball would be kinda fun on this map but it needs a little something else to spice it up a bit.
I could see me playing Assault or CTF on this map. Who knows maybe a little Juggernaut. 4/5.
Looks really awesome. I remember spending a whole year in all that Lord of the Rings stuff (mainly because my teacher was a huge fan and he made...
This map looks awesome. I can see the resemblance everywhere. nice. 5/5
Thats a pruddy nice dock you made there. I like how the ghost look, it looks like there jet skis.
Oh haha. By the way how did the page get 1 star when everyone said like 3/5 -5/5?
Thats cool. I've never seen 'Cloverfield' before but the monster looks great.
Yeah, Links would help.
Looks like a fun trek up the tower. The other pictures are there, they just take you to the screenshots.
I am liking what I'm seeing so I will let the download transfer to my box right now. Best racing map that I've seen. 5/5. Good Job. =]
Looks like fun. 5/5 .Keep 'em coming.
Looks pruddy good by the few pictures that I see. It will download the next time I am on my box. Check my map out. Link is in signature.
Nice work. My favorite part is the wall behind 'Sign A' on the first image.
I like the bases but the center rocking arch walkway could have some more structure to it.
Thank You That was my first interlocking objects in forge. I just watched a video for like 10 sec. then went to try and thats what I created. The...
Foundry Original Version 2 Created by JlGSAW Original by Bungie Playlist 1v1, 2v2, 3v3,4v4 Team Slayer - Team Slayer, Team BRs Team...