Love the map Sam! It flows really well and is very balanced!
Tell me whatcha think! YouTube- Practice Montage
Thanks for all the replies guys! I just updated the map and its much cleaner and almost completely foolproof.
GT: DSX Halostar [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler]
After scoring, the ball knocks over some barrels on a reciever node which allows you to go through the portal in the back.
Hello, i'm Halostar, and I have made a mini-game map of one sided soccer that I like to call OneBall. The object of the game is simple, it's just...
Probably when i did the flying dumpster glitch in campaign and took outthe scarab :D
A recent scrim from two top teams in the MLG pro circuit. 'Twas in Neighbors fileshare so i uploaded it to youtube. Instinct to go big in Dallas....
That was my favorite game ever until halo 3 came out. Now it's my second favorite game. Jecht Shot 2 FTW!!!
Hey guys its back up, at least for me.
The camera position was completely forced on the first one, since the dot of light is really small and hard to get into the picture, but for the...
Two screenshots i took today, tell me what you think. Spotllight BR...
Count me in. GT: DSX Halostar
I agree, i can never pick up the multi kills. I don't have a single ranked exterm to my name. Anyways, the montage was good, but some sticks...
I'll help, you have to send me a message on XBL when it is though. GT: DSX Halostar
Me and you take same types of pictures. I love them.
Old video is old. I was planning on doing this at the half blood prince midnight show, but everybody chickened out...
Ohhh wow. You sir are my new role model :)
Nice, i suck at mongoose splattering, so that's a pretty big deal right there.
66 steak dinners!