This map is great. The interlocking is perfected and the game play is creative as usual on Bloodfire's maps. When we tested the map the spawns...
Lol Lol, I think it's so funny that kids on here think these Tourney maps are actually featured, misunderstanding that Urban was featured was...
I'm pretty sure this isn't a legitiment post, for people trying to rank up, as above, the description is actually pretty brief, there's no title...
Because an the map is based off of an A and B side. A is yellow, B is red. And this map is very competitive and works great for 3v3 rave bomb or...
It wasthe original Yeah, he reviewed the original for some reason, I don't know why. Yeah, with the v2 the ratings would be a lot higher. And...
I'm not seeing anything in your post about LMMC, but It's understandable you know how to interlock by 950 posts. Looks like the game play would...
I guess if you wanted it to work decent and be smooth you did good, but the stairs have a bump. To prevent that you have to raise the box by half...
Looks like a pretty cool map, this urges me to download and check it out. I like the idea of the double box and stairs mixed. Even though it is...
Nice post 5/5. Nice job interlocking and geo merging. You should make the whole map trenches though, not just part of the map. I'll D/l though...
Hey, looks like a great map, but is it one long single tunnel or many tunnels that all link to each other. Just wondering. Because if it is CTF...
Nice post, 5 stars on that. The map looks like a pretty good sky base. These maps tend to get featured a lot because of being on Avalanche....
Nice geo merging, good job on this map, it's pretty unique. I'm a little confused on the A and B signs in the center of the map, what are they?...
You really need to add more interlocking and geo merging so that the forums are flooded with too many posts. The more time each member takes on...
No this is not a necro bump, the last post was 5 minutes ago. Yeah, thanks for downloading and checking it out. I fixed those problems up and...
It's not his first post. This has nice interlocking and a well thought out layout, but is the whole map just a link of connected tunnels. The...
The pictures or description aren't giving me enough information on the map to download. And as sexy dude said, yeah, you should add an overview...
Playing on this was O.K. The map is similar to a tunnel, with two side tunnels on the side of it. Kind of like a very small narrows with no...
You took the idea of the a signs in the step up wrong lol. It was mine design btw. You are supposed to show the fence area underneath them, and...
The bridge idea is pretty cool, and I'm guessing this was one of your first foundry maps silence? A little messy, not sure if it's possible to...
Coolant doesn't own forge or the idea of the pelican. And btw, he DID say that Coolant made this map, in the description, which I'm guessing you...