Death Island was always pretty cool to play on as well. Maybe Bungie will release a map pack with something similar sometime.
I'm flattered. While my map is probably the most accurate and simple out there, its definately not quite right. Keep an eye on the screens of...
I seriously doubt the areas on "mount forge" are going to be playable. For starters Bungie has said nothing about it being reachable. Fast forward...
The two pictures with Forerunner buildings...
The closest I can get is this image.
That area you pointed to connects to a cave towards the coastline, and possibly also a pathway up to alaska. This map I made shows the layout of...
I think a large island would be a cool idea for an alternative forgeworld. Similar to The Silent Cartographer maybe.
Ugh! There is nothing to make you say that!
I think it'd be great to see a Forge Palette like ghost town, with human prices, but with a decaying run down feel. The map could really be...
Bungie came up with the names. It's what the areas are called in the game.
Unless bungie has been playing games with us, I doubt mout forge will be forgable. Pity. It would be great for some uphill gametypes.
I seriously doubt the areas on "mount forge" are going to be playable. For starters Bungie has said nothing about it being reachable. Also this...
Hahaha! UnREACHable. Gold. I created my own map of Forge World Here. [IMG]
I think what a lot of people are actually worried about is that they won't be as special anymore now that everyone can geomerge and interlock...
Your island doesn't look quite round enough. While my map makes the island look too round, I think yours needs to be rounder to be more accurate....
I saw a thread on one persons impression of the map as a hand sketched picture. I figured this is my impression of the map, and deserves its own...
So I have been working on a map of Forge World which I have created to be as accurate as possible. Some parts of the map are definately not...
How about teritories as a gametype, with one team starting on the bottom of the map and working upwards to control the map with the other team...
Dont make it on the floor- definately on the crypt. That way you save on floor and walls.
When you overload the map, if you start a new round the grid does come back, but then the towers can kill you. I got to the towers by going into...