Great Map Buddha. After finishing it yesterday I just did a speed run in just over 11 minutes. That should tell people that the puzzles aren't...
YES! Just beat the puzzle map 2 seconds ago. Buddha you are amazing. There was really only one part I didn't "love", I only "liked" it. :)...
Just downloaded it and I have gotten all the way up to puzzle 8. Amazing map Buddha. I will hopefully alert you of my further progress. Just...
Alright now after 1 minute with my map, the break was easily fixed, thanks once again to Painkiller and whatupdog. The front page been edited to...
Thank you very much for your thoughts and alerting me of the break in the map. I will fix it as soon as possible, which might be this weekend as...
Thank you for your feedback but I have already fixed the pictures by making an imageshack account instead of my old photobucket one. So everyone...
The problem is now hopefully fixed. Does anyone have problems viewing the screen caps?
Hollow Ground [IMG] Hello, I am That One Addict and I now present to you my greatest Puzzle Map, Walking on Hollow Ground! This is a maze map...
Flowers, Love your map, love playing your map, especially with a great group of friends. Having played it many a time I can say it is a lot of...
Great map. I completed all of it up to the very last jump and i still can't land it. Very entertaining. 5/5
I will try it right now and alert you when i have beat it or if i need assistance. From what i see it looks really neat even without...
OMGWTFBBQ~!!!1!1 As soon as I saw "BOMBERMAN" I kinda knew i would DL. Awesome Map, great idea. Win. Now hopefully when i play it i will...
Wow, sounds cool I thought of doing a map like this a long time ago, but i couldn't pull my ideas together back then. It looks like this is good...
Played the first one, liked it. I will play this one in a while as i don't have my xbox with me right now.
After my last post i left my xbox. I should be getting back to it in a week or so and i will go back at it again as soon as i have the time.
You are a very original map maker and i expect to see even more in the future. All of your maps are full of some sort of originality and i...
Better break out the hyabusa for this one. ;)
Oh God, this is awesome. My friends and myself are big music people and we will love this. Great map. Can't wait to show it to my pals
I got passed that part initially too, I just jumped through the window panel. Instead of going through the maze
This is an interesting map. About 70% of it was kinda easy, i figured it out without many problems, but the other 30% I have yet to determine....